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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Upcycled Wedding Guestbook DIY Project!

I've completed my first wedding project! The wedding guestbook. Ta Daaaa!

My mom found her old guestbook, which she forgot to bring out at her wedding therefore it was unused. So I decided that I was going to convert her guestbook into our new fancy Halloween-ish guestbook. And it's my something old! 

 (Original Guestbook - not quite the look we were going for)

 I knew I planned on wrapping the book up in fabric and then placing a cool piece of scrapbook paper for the front cover. I didn't really want to buy new fabric so I went through my fabric stash and came across a black crushed velvet. Hated the crushed velvet but liked the look of the matte reverse side. Plus it has stretch to it, so I could pull the fabric real tight without worrying about wrinkles. 

And I decided I wanted to put a piece of paper inside the covers as well. Originally I was going for a picture frame sort of effect with the paper attached first therefore being under the overlapped fabric. Now that it's done, I wish I would have done it in reverse with the paper on top of the fabric. But my fiance likes it better this way and he made me promise that I wont rip it apart and do it over, which I'm really considering doing.

(Inside back cover in progress) 

(Finished back cover)
(Finished front cover)

So pretty much the steps were for this exact book:
1. Measure, cut and glue in the front and back inside cover paper panels 
2. Measure and cut out the fabric with enough room to overlap to the inside covers
3. Glue the fabric down to the book. I started with gluing it to the spine first, then just kept molding it along the front and back. Again, the stretchiness of the fabric helped wonders with it.
4. Measure, cut and glue the front cover to your book.
5. Add on sticker letters.
6. Marvel in your own awesomeness for putting together such an amazing work of art.

It did take me a few hours to do this though. But once I got over the fear of possibly ruining my mom's old guestbook, and dove in headfirst, it went a lot faster. I think I had the hardest thing was placing the stickers since they were so thin and swirly. They were a bit of a nightmare to set them exactly where I wanted them. But afterwards, you have an awesome DIY/up-cycled guestbook that everyone, even yourself, will be impressed with!

(Before and after shots)

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