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Saturday, August 31, 2013

New Costume Sketch

I'm going to be going to our Columbus Comic Book Convention mid-September, which will be my first. I'm pretty excited because I've always wanted to go to one and see what they're all about. Plus it'll give me a good chance to see if maybe it'll be a good fit to sell my pincushion cats there. But I am annoyed at the timing because it's right in the middle of our house painting/moving in time. Which means I doubt very much I'll have time to sew up something to wear. Because how can you go to a convention and not take full part in its entirety?? So here's hoping I'll miraculously get something done!

The Riddler (60's style TV show) has always been one of my favorite characters and I've always wanted to do a female version of that. So I sketched up some ideas. Please bare in mind I AM NOT AN ARTIST AND I'LL NEVER CLAIM TO BE! So please don't mock my drawing abilities too badly. A little is fine, though. I won't take offense.

I have 3 different styles because truthfully I'm not sure what look I'm going for. And I know the colors aren't quite accurate for the TV show Riddler colors. But I couldn't find all my colored pencils and this was the best I could be for the time.

(First sketch I drew - I was going for a fun 50's style party dress with alternating panels of color. And I forgot to put the hat on in the picture I see)

(Second style - more of the suit outfit instead of the unitard, but in a coat-dress style)

(Third style - combination of the suit and unitard outfits, with different color leggings)

Again, it's doubtful that this will get done in a few weeks, but you never know. Maybe I'll use it for Halloween or something. Or I can talk the library into doing a comic book event!

Anyone have a favorite style?


  1. I like either of the unitard styles. Very cute and the hat makes it.
