About Me

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Book Lover Cat Pincushion...done!

I got my first completed item off my August checklist: the book lover or book reading cat, complete with a tiny bookworm!

He's handcrafted from felt and stands approximately 5.25 inches (13.25 cms) tall and measures approximately 10.5 inches (26.75 cms) around the belly. 

 (and don't forget about his lil bookworm!)

To see this cat in my Etsy shop: Click HERE
And to see the homepage of my Etsy shop and all my pincushions: Click THIS ONE

And next up on the list: a hula dancer fat cat!! Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

August Goals

July didn't prove to be the most productive for me. So I'm going to really buckle down and get to work this month. I have big plans!

Etsy shop Goals: new stuff I'd like to list in my shop:
1. Librarian Cat Pincushion
2. Book Lover cat pincushion
3. Victorian cat pincushion
4. Hula Dancer cat pincushion,
5. Mermaid cat pincushion (or would it be Mer-Cat?)
6. Steampunk girl cat pincushion (2 color options)
7. Steampunk boy cat pincushion (2 color options)
8. Cat in a Dino Suit cat pincushion
9. Football Player cat pincushion (3 color options or pick your own)
10. Police Officer cat pincushion  (both genders)
11. Pilot cat pincushion (both genders)
12. Fall Fairy cat pincushion
13. Painter cat pincushion
14. Cowboy cat pincushion
15. 2 new kilt colors for the Scottish Bagpiper cat pincushion
16. 2 new skirt colors for the girl pig pincushion
17. Debut brand new item: Fat Cat fabric magnets!

Which one are YOU most interested in seeing???

Handmade Felt Fox Pincushion

I got a new pincushion made! Even though it was no where near the list I had wanted to accomplish, I got something done. Yay!

My new fat fox pincushion! I really loved how this little tubby guy turned out. I was sorry to see him go...but he has gone on to him new forever home and he is loved. What more could I ask for!

This cute felt fox is a completely functional pincushion for sewers or can be used as a cool decorative piece. The majority of this pincushion was hand sewn. He, like all my other creations, is handcrafted and made from my own patterns.

 He stands approximately 5.25 inches (13.25 cms) tall and measures approximately 10.5 inches (26.75 cms) around the belly.

And if you prefer the more traditional sitting on all 4 paw position, that's available too!

To see this fox in my Etsy shop: Click HERE

And to see the homepage of my Etsy shop and all my pincushions: Click THIS ONE

Hope you liked him and there are many more new character to come this month!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sewing Room Makeover - embroidery floss

The long procrastinated, much dreaded embroidery floss project has begun. Will I be able to tame this beast...

Stay tuned for more of my sewing room de-cluttering and organizing mania. I'm promising myself I will have my perfect sewing room by September!

Friday, June 26, 2015

1000 Etsy Sales...Almost!

WOW! Looking at my Etsy shop sales, it looks like I'm only 23 away from a huge milestone that I've been working towards: the big 1000! I think when that number is hit, we need to celebrate with a Fat Cat Giveaway! Just not sure what that giveaway will be yet. Or course there will be a Fat Cat involved though. Stay tuned for more news soon...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to every father out there! And that includes fathers of furbabies, of course!

(My dad 1968)

 (My father and I approximately 1985.)

Unfortunately, my dad passed away in 2001. I think about him everyday. I miss and love you dad. I hope you're proud of me. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sewing Sewing and More Sewing...Part 2 - Custom Orders

Along with reorganizing my sewing room and getting new pincushions styles made, I managed to knock out a ton of custom requests!

A Day of the Dead cat in a new dress color.

 A Bollywood dancer, which I really didn't want to give up. I love her!

A furry angel. 

 A book lover cat complete with bookworm.

And a team of tennis playing cats.

Whew, it's been a busy couple of months! But I wouldn't have it any other way...

Sewing Sewing and More Sewing...Part 1 - New Pincushion Styles

Time is flying this year! Man, it'll be Christmas before we know it!

I've been busy sewing some new pincushions and re-organizing my sewing room. I was hoping to be done with it already and be able to show off some pictures but alas, it is still in disarray. 

But...I did get some new pincushion styles completed at least!

The long awaited dog. I will admit, I held off doing this one for as long as I could. I felt it was a betrayal to my Fat Cats. But it's done, I did it and I don't feel too guilty about it. So here's the first Pudgy Puppy!

And a pirate pig, because well why not? I'm also working on a viking pig as well.

Another long awaited cat: A Zombie! 

Hope you like them! Many more to come before the end of the holiday season. And if you ever have suggestions for Fat Cats you'd like to see, just pass them along to me!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Another Late Halloween Post: Halloween Costume

****This is an old entry from a few years ago but I decided to post it back up again due to it's popularity!**** And it's never too early to be planning your Halloween costume!

My Halloween costume for 2011: The "Late but Lucky" Dress variant from American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns computer game.

(Real Version from the computer game)

(My version. Yes, nowhere near as bad-ass looking as the original (and I ABSOLUTELY HATE taking pictures), but I'm still pleased with the outcome. This was by far the most complex costume I've ever attempted. And why I decided to make the jacket out of vinyl, I'll never know. And I only broke 2 needles while sewing this.)

This costume took a little less that 2 weeks to sew. Everything is made from scratch, including the hat/bunny ears. Except the black gloves. I ran out of time, and stamina, and just decided to take the easy route and buy them. This was my first attempt at a hat from scratch, so all in all, not terrible. I plan on my next one being awesome.

(Taken at the Brunswick Library where I work. It was a Halloween festival in the children's department that day. One of the activities for the kids was a costume parade where they get to parade around the library and show off their costumes. And the librarians asked me to lead the children around the library!)

(Me goofing off while trying to get decent pictures of the costume. I think my friend helping was getting ready to kill me. I'd say 75% of the pictures are of my dancing and making dumb faces.)

(At a Halloween party where I discovered a talent for beer pong. This was my first time playing, and I don't really drink beer, so it was a good thing I hardly missed. And I became the undefeated champion, to boot.)

Halloween is good!

Monday, March 23, 2015

New Fat Cats!

Hello everyone! Wow, it's been awhile since I last posted! Apparently time has gotten away from me. So let's see what has happened throughout the last few months.

The holidays get crazy frantic with all the Fat Cat Pincushion orders going out. The grand tally was 238 cats, with some pigs and rats thrown in, went out to new homes in 2014! And the best seller for the holiday months was the Quilting Cat Doris (now available in 2 colors)!! Followed closely by the Reindeer Cat and the Scottish Bagpiper!

And so now onto some new styles for this year! 

Red and Green Care Cats

 Catrina: Day of the Dead Cat. I think I was most impressed with the felt flowers I made for the hair for the front of the dress. Her face is a mix of embroidery and paint.

Oliver: Cat in a Teddy Bear Costume(Custom request that I REALLY didn't want to give up). His hood is also removable and has cat ears sticking out behind the bear ears and are able to be seen from the backview!

Right now I'm also working on Police Officers, Firemen, Pilots, Artists, Librarians, Zombies, Seasonal Fairies and lots of custom requests! Any suggestions for some new Fat Cat styles to make in 2015? And I'm also thinking of adding in some non-pincushion Fat Cat items such as coffee cup cozies, ornaments and magnets into my shop this year

All these items, and more, are available in my Etsy shop to purchase!